Students are supposed to be keeping themselves fully engaged in learning. Their main job is to read their books carefully and make themselves attentive to their studies. But unfortunately some of them are totally careless and just wasting their valuable time of life very much foolishly and stupidly manner. They are even not aware of it. But when they got to realize about the lost, in the meantime, they have done, it is late to mitigate its consequences.
There are portions of the students who are self-guided. There are no involvements directly of the guardians to their study but to give them some sorts of money they require from time to time or semester to semester. This type of guardian just wait for the results of their children and expects that their offspring are performing their duties properly and valuing their investment which they earn by their hard labor and sacrificing all their intentions and enjoyments. They also expect that these boys or girls are more accountable, more responsible and self start and motivated enough to do exactly what they should do.
But in some cases what the guardian receives at the end is just a waste of their money for nothing. Their investment has no return. They got no results from what they spent. At last they got frustrated. All the hopes and dreams of their life spoiled and finally they got their children as a disloyal to their parents, betrayal to their duties and responsibilities. They children who do so suffer for their mistake in their first life and become unsuccessful in their life, as they are not skilled enough. They are even unable to help themselves timely let alone to help their parents in their old age. They fail to prosper in life, fail in every section of life.
There is no short time remedy for their blander. As soon as, as early as they are able to change their life style and bad habits and replaces it with the good one they got some rest opportunities which may be the turning point of their life and lifted them upward.
On the other hand we have example of some responsible children who know about their responsibilities, they are totally career oriented and very serious about their study. They value to their parents toilsome money. So finally their parents got rewards of it. They are grateful to their parents.
As they are grateful, responsible and hard working and serious at their study they succeed in life after their long time hard work.
This article is written to inspire the boys who are just wasting their valuable time and energy carelessly. They can still return to the right track. They have yet some opportunities to find out. This is high time for the self-realization and turn back.
Your suggestion about this writing will be highly appreciated.